Your local tree service - tree removal Chicago, tree trimming and tree care.
Looking for tree removal, tree trimming, or tree care for your yard? You’ve found the right place. Chicago Tree Service is the preferred tree care service in the Chicagoland area. We have years of experience in all types of trees and offer affordable pricing and quality service. Our experts provide a wide range of services including Tree Removal, Tree Trimming and Pruning, Tree Care and Maintenance, Stump Grinding and Winter Care. Whether your need a tree removed after bad weather, or just want some trimming to keep your home looking beautiful, we are skilled in every facet and ready to help you out. Contact us today for a free quote.

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Chicago Tree Care Services

Tree Removal
Tree removal requires a high level of skill and well maintained equipment and machinery. When you need a tree removed on your property, contact Chicago Tree Service. There are multiple reasons why a tree may need to go. It may be a last-case scenario when a tree is damaged enough and cannot be saved. Sometimes a tree can be in a dangerous setting and pose a safety threat to you and cause potential property damage. Or maybe you just want to open up space in your landscaping for a more pleasing setting. Whatever the reason, it takes years of experience to know when and how a tree should be removed. Chicago Tree Service is ready to help with the proper tools and equipment for removal. Our staff are trained to the highest standards and we purchase only the best quality equipment to complete our work. Not in the Midwest and need some help? Palm tree removal Townsville will take care of you.

Tree Trimming and Pruning
Similar to cutting our hair or trimming our nails, your trees require certain levels of pruning frequently for them to have maximized health benefits and to provide you and everyone that sees with with your preferred aesthetic. Regular tree trimming and pruning not only helps to maintain their health, it improves the overall look and appearance. Trimming balances out the branch weight that the trunk holds, helps them continue to grow, fight off diseases and become more weather resistance. Opening up space between leaves also brings in more sunlight to help the tree’s growth. Overgrown trees can also be a safety hazard if long limbs are close or touching power lines. Have Chicago Tree Service assess your trees for proper trimming and pruning. For more help with tree pruning visit our friends at Metro Garden Care.

Tree Care and Maintenance
Proper tree care and maintenance can be a very time consuming task. With regular maintenance, Chicago Tree Service will keep your trees looking healthy and full for your landscape. Whether you need tree transplanting, restoration, reduction or otherwise, you can depend on our arborists to deliver tree maintenance services you can trust. We will come up with a plan tailored to your needs to remove any damage, or prevent further damage. Our tree care service will keep your lawn looking its best all year round with regularly-scheduled service visits. Let our tree specialists keep your trees as an asset for your home’s curb appeal.

Stump Grinding
Tree removal will leave stumps behind. Not only are they unattractive to the eye and take away from your curb appeal, they can also be a breeding ground for fungus. Getting rid of a stump can be very difficult without professional help – it is tedious work and hard on your body and can be extremely dangerous if the equipment isn’t used correctly. Whether you need it gone in order to cut your lawn, plan to build in the immediate area, or just don’t like looking at it, we will bring you stump grinding options that best suit your yard’s needs. Contact our Chicago tree experts and let us dispose of your tree stumps and wood chips for you.

Winter Tree Care
In Illinois, we know winter comes and stays for much longer than we wish, and can wreck havoc on lawns. To be ready for the spring and warmer weather, it’s important to take necessary steps during the snow and ice. Not a fan of being outside in the winter? Call us at Chicago Tree Service and we will handle all of your winter tree care.

Simple Guide to Pruning in Chicago - Do's and Don'ts
Even though trees face many challenges in the urban environment of Chicago, they can still survive. However, to help them grow and become mature trees, we need to help them. We often put trees in places where they can’t produce naturally, and then we have to prune them so they look good and don’t fall.
Pruning is a practice that is done on trees. It can be good or bad, depending on how it is done. Pruning improperly can cause severe damage or even death to a tree. To prune correctly, it is essential to understand both the proper techniques and how the tree responds to pruning.
No matter who is pruning, it is essential to do it correctly and safely. This can be dangerous work, so you need to be very careful. Make sure you are trained in doing it correctly and never try to do something you’re not sure about. Contact a professional arborist in Chicago if you are not comfortable pruning trees over 30 feet.
Why Prune?
Why would we want to trim a tree in the first place? The most common reasons are aesthetics, structure, and safety. Pruning is often utilized to improve the look of trees by shortening fast-growing stems. Only when necessary should trees be pruned; arborists should do this after careful consideration.
However, trees are often reduced to keep a specific shape or size to suit a site in the landscape. This might be caused by wrong positioning, or a homeowner chose the wrong tree for the desired location.
Pruning is often needed to remove dead or dying branches that have been infested by insects and those that have been damaged. This helps to prevent the spread of the pest and reduces future damage. Pruning might also help a plant’s vitality promote fruit display and production.
The most significant reason to prune is to minimize the risk of tree collapse, especially in the crown. This can include removing weak branches on a dying tree or being broken by storm branches. Pruning for improved tree safety and protection against danger are two important pruning goals. Begin this sort of pruning when the tree is still tiny and just beginning
Arborists are experts in the art of tree trimming, and provide a wide range of services for both residential and commercial customers throughout Chicago. Large, mature trees frequently require expert arborists to address structural issues and other clearance, risk, and safety problems.
Pre-Planting: Decide on a Location and Species
Choosing the appropriate tree is the first step in good pruning. Selecting the proper tree and placing it in the correct location is necessary. It all starts with choosing the correct tree and putting it in the right area, which helps to minimize inputs while increasing trees’ benefits. Arborists can reduce the need for continual pruning by carefully deciding on the right spot.
Before you plant a tree:
- Figure out how big it will get when fully grown.
- Ensure that the tree will fit in the planned area when it gets bigger. You can also choose a reduced-maintenance plant to save on long-term care.
- Remember that you get what you pay for, so be careful when picking out your plants.
Begin with obtaining from a reputable source, such as a dedicated nursery or garden center. Then, learn to pick full and active trees with healthy branch structure and spacing. Do not purchase and plant trees with numerous narrow branch angles, excessive branching, or other structural problems.
Spacing trees properly will help them grow into maturity without any problems. If you overcrowd the trees and plants, it can cause headaches later on when they are trying to grow. You might have to cut down some of the plants or trim them more often because there isn’t enough space.
During the tree selection procedure, pay close attention to the tree’s projected mature height and breadth. The right tree in the correct location may significantly influence pruning and other maintenance procedures. Arborists should avoid improper branching. The tree will require structural trimming.
Simple Do's and Don'ts of Pruning
Pruning or other arboricultural techniques should not harm or impair the tree’s health. Design and scheduling are crucial for long-term tree health. The most fundamental rule is that each incision can considerably alter the tree. Chicago arborists should not do pruning trees routinely to force them into aesthetic limits or areas. However, specialized pruning procedures would be required in specific situations such as espalier, topiaries, and pollarding.
Trees and other elements in the environment may compete during the development process. Pruning may be required as part of the maturation process from time to time. So, choose a location that allows the tree to grow naturally and avoid future pruning.
Pruning Dose
The amount of green tissue mass removed during each pruning episode is essential. The term “pruning dose” refers to the quantity of green tissue mass eliminated in one pruning session. The length of time from your last pruning job and what you plan on doing with the tree will determine how much to prune. If extensive pruning is needed, carry out the process over several months or years.
Pruning is more than taking out dead, damaged, or dying parts. It’s also essential to think about how much pruning we do. Severe pruning can be very bad for a tree’s health, especially during difficult times like a drought.
Goals of Pruning
Every cut should have a goal, one that is based on one or more of three distinct demands or aims determined by the tree owner and the arborist.
When Pruning on Your Own, Note These Tips:
- Every incision into the tree can alter it significantly.
- Cutting off branches and limbs can reduce a tree’s ability to gather light for food production.
- Limb reduction may change form and geometry, which can impact the stability of the tree long term.
- Unmindful pruning of branches puts the tree at risk of dying.
Types of Pruning (And Which Ones You Should and Shouldn't Practice)
Removing too many branches and leaves from a tree can reduce the tree’s ability to produce food and energy. Additionally, excessive pruning can cause significant root problems and can severely limit root development.
Pruning a tree can cause the roots to shrink and the tree to wilt. This will make it harder for the tree to absorb water and transport nutrients.
Structural Pruning:
Structural pruning on a young tree is an integrated method of tree care from the outset. It’s the ideal pruning technique for tree longevity and cost-effective maintenance. Pruning a more youthful, less developed tree is far easier and cheaper than trimming a mature, bigger, and more complex one. Tree services in Chicago should remove solid and sturdy trees to minimize.
Choose the best branches to prune on a young tree. The most incredible way to minimize risk is to correct structural abnormalities when the tree is young. Reduction cuts are used to cut off limbs with many aspect ratios.
Pruning a young tree to correct structural flaws (rather than waiting for it to become problematic) reduces risk and the potential for failure later as the tree matures, rather than after the tree has developed issues. This trimming is generally done in the first five years following planting by a local qualified Chicago tree service.
Depending on the current frame, type of tree, and maturation, it might take longer. In later years, the tree may require additional planned pruning to meet intended pruning objectives. Trees benefit from structural pruning until the fundamentals of a good, sturdy structure are established.
Tree Topping is Not Pruning
It would help if you never did some things when taking care of your tree. One of these is topping. Topping is when you cut off many branches from the top of the tree. This can ruin the shape and health of the tree, and it can also leave wounds that will not heal properly.
Topping a tree can cause serious problems. The tree will produce many new branches in response, leading to disease and decay.
The buds on the stems, which have turned red, are only connected to the xylem. This is a weak attachment that overgrows and will become a safety concern. The branches are can give out and effect the whole tree.
The topping procedure generally includes the removal of large branches, leaving gaping wounds that can’t categorize and result in decay. If necessary, a tree service in Chicago should cut back pruned branches to a specific point. This should be done so at a lateral level that is big enough to take on the terminal function.
If you are removing a limb, it is best to cut it back around one-third the diameter of the stem. If there are significant cuts involved, the tree may not be able to seal over and compartmentalize the wounds.
When severe pruning is required, removing the tree and replacing it with a more suitable one may be the optimum option. Tops are harmful to both the tree owner and those in its vicinity. Never hire any company that claims to top your trees.
Post Pruning - Facts on the Speed of Tree Healing
So, how do trees adapt after they’ve had their branches trimmed? Trees are:
- Complex organisms that respond to pruning in terms of growth.
- Root development.
- Amount of leaf tissue produced.
Pruning causes potentially life-threatening wounds in the simplest sense.
On the other hand, a healthy tree can completely heal from pruning cuts if they are treated appropriately. Trees that have been damaged have a natural immunity mechanism that allows them to recover. To prevent decay from spreading from the wound site into the tree, trees compartmentalize specific aspects of deterioration by walling-off or sealing that part of the branch. Well-pruned branches heal rapidly. However, it is critical to avoid injuring the tree to speed up the healing process. The ability to seal off wounds is primarily determined by tree age, health, and species.
The better a tree’s health, the faster it heals from harm. Younger trees and those not under stress may heal more quickly than ones that are stressed, infested, or have other issues. Some trees have a more vital ability to recover and bounce back.
Make sure to cut the tree in a way that will allow it to heal correctly. This means that you should make minor cuts rather than large ones. More significant cuts take longer to heal and use up more resources. Little slices heal more quickly and don’t expose the tree to as many pathogens.
It is better to cut off branches no more than 2 inches in diameter on trees that don’t seal well. For trees that better sealing wounds, it is better to cut off branches smaller than four inches around. This will help the tree heal better. You can also do progressive cycle pruning.
The size of the wound on the tree and the tree’s ability to seal the damage is essential for the tree’s long-term health. Pruning can help to strengthen a stem by encouraging growth or stimulating additional branching, but these effects depend on how much you cut and when you do it.
Pruning has a detrimental effect on the canopy as well as the roots. Fewer green leaves to feed might imply fewer roots and less food storage capacity.
Is It Safe To Cut a Tree Down DIY?
Tree removal should generally be left to the experts, as they have the necessary equipment and training for felling the tree and disposing of it. It’s not a do-it-yourself job if a tree is taller than 25 feet or closely surrounded by obstacles such as homes and power lines. If you try to cut down a tree in these instances, you may face injuries, legal issues, and city fines.
However, if you’re alright with using a chainsaw and the tree is in an open location, you may attempt it yourself using the appropriate safety precautions.
When removing a tree by yourself, there are several things to consider. Here are some things to think about while cutting down a tree on your own:
- You will be held responsible for any damage or injury that occurs due to something going wrong.
- When feasible, remove your tree in the late winter or early spring, when tree development is dormant, and the leaves are fewer on the tree.
- Removing a tiny, thin-limbed fruit tree might be hazardous. Before removing a tree, ensure that you have all the required safety gear such as gloves, boots, hard helmets, and gloves.
- Some areas in Chicagoland require a permit to complete the job.
- Unless you’ve spoken with a professional tree care company, you might not have all of the information on a tree’s health. If the tree is decaying or rotted, the job might rapidly become more complex.
We don’t recommend attempting to remove a tree that is greater than 15 feet tall unless you have expert instruction. The bigger the tree, the higher the danger.
Even though trees are both a beautiful and important part of nature, as a homeowner or property owner you will probably consider removing one for several reasons. Dead trees, storm damage, and growing roots are just a few. No matter what your reason, you will most likely find yourself asking the same question – how much will this cost me?
You may have some reservations and have heard it all before. Removing a tree is expensive. What you may not realize however is that a tree removal service from an experience, qualified company factors in many different variable to its cost. You’re not just hiring a lumberjack off the street. It’s very important to understand exactly what you are paying for and why so that you can make the best decision for your property.
There are a few basics involved in every single tree removal, no matter who you hire. Every single job will involve a contractor cutting down the tree into more manageable pieces. Some companies will not clean up and haul away the debris after this without an additional fee. You’ll need to make sure you know which services are included in your fee and which aren’t. A few to make note of:
Limb Chipping
After limbs are cut off of the tree, they can be shoved into a wood chipper for even easier removal. A wood chipper can be bought for as cheap as $150 if it’s not included in the service.
Tree Trunk Removal
Most tree service companies will cut the fallen trunk into smaller sections for removal. However, they’re not always obligated to haul away those sections after they’re cut. Unless you’re up for hauling heavy amounts of wood, make sure the company includes this.
Stump Removal
You’ve finally removed that annoying tree and come out to mow your newly found lawn…and realize there is still a giant tree trunk in its place. Unfortunately this isn’t always included with the actual tree removal. Depending on how old the tree was determines your cost. A rotting trunk costs less to remove than a healthy one.
Log Splitting
Is there anything better than a nice wood fire in the middle of a cold Chicago night? Turning that pesky tree into firewood is a great idea, and some services may include this luxury at an added cost.

For all our tree services, we take the responsibility of the environment, public and our crews. We will never start any work before establishing that the work site has become safe. Talk to us today for professional tree service consultation and also request for a free price estimate. Tree Service Florence SC provides exceptional care as well. If you are in the suburbs be sure to check out Tree Service Lasalle, Il. For any visitors in Oklahoma we highly recommend Tree Services Norman. Anyone if California should contact Sacramento Tree Removal. And please visit our other friends for tree service in Florida and Tree Removal St Lucie, Fl. And last but not least our friends tree removal hobart and Geelong tree removal, and especially Jersey City tree removal.
Chicago Tree Service
Our goal is to bring reliable, affordable and expert tree care service to the Chicagoland area. We are committed to providing excellent customer service. Contact us today for all of your tree care needs.